Meet Your Mushroom

Why Mushrooms?

Mushroom supplements are non-toxic, have little to no side effects when consumed, and are adaptogens.

Mushroom supplements come in different forms to meet your needs.

Mushrooms can be found abundantly in nature or sustainably and organically grown.

Science based studies are continuously showing us increased benefits of incorporating mushroom supplements into our lives.

Mushrooms are for everyone! Humans of all ages benefit from mushroom support.



Benefits Include


*G.I. support

*Immune boosting

*Supports skin and hair health

*Anti-inflammatory (prevents pro-inflammatory cytokines)

*Supports cognitive function

*Heart health


Benefits Include

*nervous system support and repair

*anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

*anti-anxiety, anti-depression

*supports cognitive function, mental focus and memory

*NGF (Nerve Growth Factor)

*assists in brain remapping and repair from concussion or PTSD


Benefits include

*promotes overall health and wellness

*Supports cardiovascular and lung health

*anti-anxiety and anti-depression

*helps to regulate sleep

*increases white blood cells, supporting wellness in cancer patients


My Recommendation

I recommend starting with one mushroom supplement to see how it interacts with you. Fungi are efficient and will heal and support where needed. With mushrooms, less is more. If you are drawn to multiple types of mushrooms for their different benefits, use your intuition to choose one to start and increase accordingly.

Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen!